Do you have bad credit? Do you want to stop paying exorbitant interest rates on your various loans and credit cards because of your bad credit? It’s hard to do it by yourself, as you possibly have no idea how credit scores are calculated, or if your credit score can be improved.
If you can relate to the above, you most likely should get the services of a credit repair company, like us at Next Level Credit. But is it really worthwhile to hire us or other credit repair companies?
Well, our primary task is to improve your credit history to raise your credit score. We examine your credit report for unfavorable issues such as charge-offs, judgments, and tax liens. We then devise a strategy to help you out. You pretty much leave everything to us so you can go on with your daily life. Sounds convenient, right?
If you’re ready to fix your credit, we are more than happy to assist you. But of course, you might be wondering why you can’t just do it yourself. In no particular order, here are a few reasons when to use a credit repair company.
We have the expertise you need.
Unless your work involves money and credit, you probably have no idea where to start with your repairs. A professional credit repair firm knows all of the rules that control the credit industry, including the FCRA, FACTA, FDCPA, and even HIPPA laws. This means that when you hire a credit repair company, you will have an expert on your side who is well-versed in the credit restoration process. If you are not confident in the process but still try to do it yourself, you may mistakenly do something that may harm your credit rating and further lower your credit scores. That’s something you want to avoid at all costs.
Credit repair is a time-consuming process.
Here’s a sad fact: creditors, collection agencies, and credit bureaus will exploit every opportunity available to ensure that repairing your credit will take a long time. They understand that when confronted with a long, tiresome process and some strongly worded legal letters, most customers become disheartened and will give up. By hiring a professional to assist you with credit repair, you will get the help and support you need to stay the course.
Among the basic credit restoration tasks that credit repair companies handle are:
- Identifying the best consumer protection legislation for your specific circumstances
- Notifying the proper creditor or credit bureau of the problem
- Carry out follow-up steps depending on the responses received
- Keeping track of correspondence and papers
Imagine doing all this by yourself, while you still have to work, take care of your family, and so on. When will you find the time to even study anything related to credit restoration? During your free time? Studying means you won’t have any! Hiring a credit repair company will most likely get you faster results.
Also, keep in mind that generally, credit rebuilding takes about three to six months. If credit repair is the only thing you need to do with your life, that won’t be a problem. However, that’s not usually the case.
There is no emotional connection.
Are you a highly emotional person? Even if not, even the calmest person can become slightly panicked when dealing with financial or legal concerns. Emotion is not your friend when it comes to these things. We understand, but at the same time, getting emotional will be very disadvantageous for you. Frustration can rapidly turn into rage, which creditors and collection agencies use to trick people into unknowingly verifying their debt. That in turn can be harmful in the long run. And it’s not going to help your reputation if you end up shouting expletives at various offices.
If you want to avoid any emotional outbursts, it is best to hire a credit repair company. We can fix damaged credit with no emotional attachment to your case. Therefore, we can guarantee that we can deal with your situation in a cool, collected manner. We’ll be able to talk to those you owe money to with clear heads and without allowing emotions to interfere. We’ll be able to help you get a solution to your credit score problems.
You want to save money.
We know what you’re thinking. How can hiring a credit repair company help you save money? The fee of a credit restoration company is typically around $19 to $149 per month! If you don’t hire anyone, you’re going to save more money, right?
Well, not exactly. It might seem to be more expensive at first to hire us or other credit repair companies, but listen to us: it will save you money. You see, if you choose to handle the entire process by yourself, you will need to get the services of a lawyer. And lawyers are actually a lot more expensive than hiring us. Also, the longer the process it takes to repair your credit, the higher your debts will rise as long as they’re not resolved.
Credit repair companies have all the resources needed to repair your credit.
Do you know what credit repair companies have that you don’t? They have a lot of resources that are needed to repair your credit. They have the lawyers they know can do what is needed. They have knowledge of different policies. They know the right people to call when they need to get things done. If you plan to do credit repair yourself, you may have to do your own research first, which will take up time. You’ll also have to do plenty of trial and error, which you can’t really afford.
Hire a credit repair company today!
Those are some of the reasons for getting the services of a credit repair company. Convinced yet? If you’re struggling with a low credit score and need professional credit repair services, Next Level Credit is the best credit repair firm in Anderson. We care about your situation and we’re here to help you earn your best credit yet.
We assist all of our customers in reaching their credit score goals. We can help you repair your credit by addressing and deleting incorrect negative items. This allows you to regain control of your housing loans, vehicle loans, credit cards, and other financial obligations.
Get proven results quickly! We’ve assisted thousands of clients around the country in removing erroneous, unjust, and unverifiable negative things from their credit reports. The outcomes of our clients speak for themselves. You can check out our Testimonials section regarding this.
Wondering how we can help you? Well, inquiries, derogatory and delinquent items, collections, charge-offs, late payments, repossessions, bankruptcies, evictions, student loans, and even child support can all be removed by our professionally trained staff.
So what are you waiting for? Take action right now! Repair your credit to obtain the homes, automobiles, apartments, jobs, and even credit cards you genuinely deserve. Level up your credit, and you’ll be able to level up your life! Contact us today for quick and straightforward credit repair in south carolina. Your consultation with us is free!